Pastors & Staff
"He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?"
Micah 6:8
Benjamin Quinn
Lead Pastor
Meet our Lead Pastor, Dr. Benjamin Quinn.
Benjamin has been serving as Pastor of Holly Grove Baptist Church since 2017 and we are so grateful for his leadership. Benjamin also serves as Associate Professor of Theology and History of Ideas and Associate Director of the Center of Faith and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary/The College at Southeastern.
Benjamin is married to Ashley and they have four amazing children: Emma Claire, Camp, Dawson and Fletcher. There is nothing that Benjamin loves more than being outdoors and spending time with his family.
Thank you Pastor Benjamin, for your hard work and service to Holly Grove.
Ian Power
Associate Pastor
Meet our Associate Pastor, Ian Power.
Ian and his wife Hailey have been at Holly Grove Baptist Church for 3 years now, and we are blessed to have them as part of our HGBC family. They welcomed their son, Jack, into the world two years ago and he is so loved by those young and old at Holly Grove. Ian also serves as the Plumbing Manager at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Thank you Ian for all you do for Holly Grove.
Kevin Conner
Youth Pastor
Meet our Youth Pastor, Kevin Conner.
Kevin and his wife Sarah have been at Holly Grove Baptist Church for 6 years. Kevin also serves as the Director for Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing at Southeastern Theological Seminary. Kevin and Sarah have two children, Ella and Isaac and when not working, you can find him cheering on the kids in hunting, football, baseball, horseback riding and volleyball. We are so grateful that Kevin is part of the HGBC family and we are thankful for the dedication and love that he shows to our youth.
Aubrey Starkey
Worship Director
Meet our Worship Director, Aubrey Starkey.
We are grateful to have Aubrey and his team lead us each week in worship. Aubrey pours his heart into leading us and we are so appreciative of his hard work. Aubrey is married to his wife Grace, and they recently welcomed their beautiful baby girl to the world. When leading worship at Holly Grove, you can find Aubrey with a cup of coffee or guitar (or maybe both) in his hand. We love Aubrey, thank you for all that you do.
Ryan Renfrow
Director of Children and Family
Meet our Director of Children and Family, Ryan Renfrow.
If you ever need Ryan, you can probably find him throwing the football outside with the children at Holly Grove. Ryan also serves as the Recruiting Coordinator for the Office of Admissions at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Ryan is married to Taylor and loves walking through life with the children and families at Holly Grove and partnering with parents to help our children mature in Christ. Thank you Ryan for your love and commitment to the children of HGBC.
Taylor Renfrow
Church Secretary
Meet our Church Secretary, Taylor Renfrow.
Taylor and her husband Ryan have been at HGBC for almost three years. Taylor and Ryan will welcome their first son, Forrest into the world in April 2024, and they are so excited for him to become part of the Holly Grove family. When not working, you will most likely find Taylor working on a horse farm, or spending time with her husband and puppy.